Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Body sculpting with an airbrush tan (plus some diet and exercise tips!)

So sorry that I haven't updated the blog lately! It went straight from prom season, to wedding season, to Memorial Day and beach time. So needless to say it's been crazy here at Sculpted Tans. Busy is good, I'll take it!

Speaking of beach time, a lot of people want to know if I can create abs or toner arms with an airbrush tan. The short answer is yes, but that's not always the case. Shading techniques can be used in areas such as your stomach, biceps, and inner thighs to create the illusion of defined muscles. However, you have to have at least a little definition to start with, or else it will just look darker in those areas. Excuse my brief lack of professionalism when I say "You can't turn a keg into a six pack." Sorry. One of my customers said that and it's just kind of stuck. :)

So, how do you get that definition? It all starts with your diet. You can work those abs and arms all you want, but as long as that layer of fat is covering it, you aren't going to see the muscles that you've been working so hard for. If you've been dieting for awhile and just can't break that plateau, I highly recommend hGG 1234 drops. They really do work if you're willing to stick with the plan. It is strict, but sometimes that's what it takes to get the results you want! Motivation and dedication is key!

Once you've gotten your diet in check, it's time to move on to working on your body. It is impossible to spot reduce fat. So make sure you get some cardio! You can do all of the sit ups and push ups you want, but you cannot get rid of fat without cardio. Go for a brisk walk or jog, hop on your treadmill, just whatever gets your heart rate going. Remember that sweat is fat crying. (I love that saying.)

As a busy working woman myself, I understand how hard it is to get to a gym. But I have several favorite workouts that are free on the internet, and that you can do in the privacy and comfort of your own home! Most only take about 15-30 minutes and you will definitely see results!

My favorite ab video from the Tone It Up girls. They are so fun and bubbly that I actually have fun doing their videos! Their website also has great nutrition tips.
Video for arm workouts. Many women are afraid to do arm exercises because that don't want to appear bulky. This video is especially designed for women from Sarahfit and will give you definition without being bulky!
Last but not least: Inner Thigh Insanity from http://www.blogilates.com. Get that sexy thigh gap!
Once you've mastered those, any experienced airbrush technician will be able to add even more definition to your body!  

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